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Lithium-ion Battery Fire - Portable Fire Extinguishers
Maritime Aviation can supply a range of portable 'LITHEX' fire extinguishers from 500ml to 50 litre. The type of
fire extinguisher you require will be dependent on the risk. Click here for our portable fire extinguisher brochure.

LITHEX v Water Mist on Lithium-ion Battery Fire

Lithium-ion Battery Fire
Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers
MarAv FLE1_FLE2_FLE6_FLE9_Product_Sheet Website Aug 21.jpg

* Guide only.
** Extinguisher, contents and plastic base only (where applicable)- not including hose, bracket or packaging.
*** Includes all packaging, hose / horn and bracket.

To order or for more information email us at ''
Lithium-ion Battery - Fire Suppression Kits
Mar Av Fire Suppression Kit Download.jpg
To order or for more information email us at ''
 25 and 50 litre Wheeled Fire Extinguishers
Click here to download the brochure
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PyroCloud non-toxic fire suppression aerosol generators can be used as a part of a highly effective fixed extinguishing system. A PyroCloud generator is non-pressurised and is installed inside a room or compartment that requires protection. After activation, an aerosol cloud is generated, which expands volumetrically, flooding the space and extinguishing the fire. The PyroCloud generators are ideal for use in normally unoccupied areas and are effective on class A, B, C and F fires. Manual and automatic models available.

Download a brochure here.

PyroCloud is an ideal combination extinguishant for fires involving lithium-ion batteries including energy storage systems and motor cars on vehicle ferries. (in conjunction with our fire specialist blanket.)


See PyroCloud in action

To order or for more information email us at ''



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• Provides safe storage and protection in transit

• Working temperature up to 1000°C

• Fire resistant technical fabrics

• Fire resistant re-enforced multilayered edge lining

• Fire resistant industrial stitching

• Handling loops on all corners

• Available in three sizes


Download a brochure here.

To order or for more information email us at ''
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